Here is a relatively brief list of good telecom resources which provide links to hundreds of other information sources on the Web.
Problem with sending out email with Windows Mobile - Windows Mobile Fix. Click here to view more information if you have a windows device and a problem sending email from your mobile device. Please make sure you read the instructions before downloading the fix from windows.
800 availability lookup
This page allows you to enter preferred or vanity 800#'s to check availability before selecting or ordering toll free numbers.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The home page of the FCC with information about each Bureau and Office and links to FCC documents concerning proceedings, notices, and orders. The Federal Communications Commission is an independent federal agency responsible directly to Congress. Established by the Communications Act of l934, it is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. Its jurisdiction covers the 50 states and territories, the District of Columbia , and U.S. possessions. Major FCC Bureaus and Offices include: Common Carrier Bureau; Mass Media Bureau; Wireless Bureau; Cable Services Bureau; International Bureau regulates; Compliance & Information Bureau; and Office of Engineering & Technology.
LATA's by number
This page contains a LATA look up reference list, listing LATA number and market.
Map of Cyberspace
This page provides you with maps outlining telecommunication carriers and ISP fiber optic network routes.
National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA)
The home page of the NTIA with information about organizations, activities, and reports. The NTIA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is headed by the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, who is the U.S. President's principal voice on domestic and international telecommunications and information policy-making.
Network Information
This page provides you with general useful day to day information on Network capacity, carrier ASN information, world Major interconnection POPs and a quick reference slash /IP number chart.
NPA/Rate center/distance lookup
This page contains local calling, area code, and prefix information for Canada , the United States of America , and other countries which are part of the North American Numbering Plan.
The Telecommunications Library (Glossary)
A comprehensive glossary of telecommunications terms sponsored and maintained by
World Time Server
This page allows you international folk to check the time before calling half way through the night and disturbing someone's much deserved sleep; you know those morning people...
WWW and IP lookup
This page allows you to look up a www. Or IP address, by providing you with information on the ISP or company currently supporting the www. or IP.